Friday, August 05, 2005

Ornamental Fishing Project

A project funded by Virtusa, Rotary Club of Colombo Regency and Co-ordinated by Post-Graduate Institute of Management (PIM)
Dear Mario / Madu,
We are pleased to inform you that we visited Madihe in Matara last Sunday and were able to successfully complete the following activities;

- PIM supervisors inspection of storage facilities and meeting with stakeholders
- Delivery of balance diving equipment (masks, fins, dive computer, regulators, harnesses)
- Conducting training on safe diving, the use of dive tables and compass.
- Handing over of posters and leaflets on environmental protection and importance of coral reefs

We thank you for your donation and look forward to your continued support in future.


At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the numerous examples).. Do you know those oldtime rag rugs are the most oddly decorative effects that I have ever seen.. But if anything excited my suspicion, and, putting on my spectacles, I saw that I was fondling a snake, or smelling at a bud with a worm in it, I sprang up in horror and ran away; or, if it seemed to me through the glasses that a cherub smiled upon me, or a rose was blooming in my buttonhole, then I felt myself imperfect and impure, not fit to be leading and training what was so essentially superior in quality to myself, and I kissed the children and left them weeping and wondering.. She withdrew her description of the hat, and claimed not to have said that the two side pieces were hanging downwards.. She wrenched herself away with an effort, only to be caught again a moment later.. Before investigating the nature of this bond, it will be advantageous to turn our attention to the more readily intelligible dreams of the first class where, the manifest and latent content being identical, the dream work seems to be omitted.. 'Walk quietly up the steps; ring the bell and lay your card on the servant,' quoted Abner, who had never heard of a server.. The answer of the girl was: I wish he would strike me! Her wish to be married is so strong that she takes into the bargain the discomfort which is said to be connected with matrimony, and which is predicted for her, and even raises it to a wish.. Fate had brought her conditions which covered up the woman heart within her, but though it lay deep, it was there still.. All the peculiarities of dream life are explicable as the incoherent effort, due to some physiological stimulus, of certain organs, or of the cortical elements of a brain otherwise asleep.. I should like, therefore, to withdraw the opinion previously expressed that it is unimportant whence the dream-wish originates, and replace it by another, as follows: The wish manifested in the dream must be an infantile one.. In a very interesting discussion, apparently suggested by Maury's puzzling guillotine dream, Goblet tries to demonstrate that the dream requires no other time than the transition period between sleeping and awakening.. All elongated objects, sticks, tree-trunks, and umbrellas (on account of the stretching-up which might be compared to an erection! all elongated and sharp weapons, knives, daggers, and pikes, are intended to represent the male member.. You're von ver gran rascal to swindle me out of de l'argent.. I am ruin! I am done up! I am break all into ten sousan leetle pieces! I am von lame duck, and I shall vaddle across de gran ocean for Paris, vish is de only valuarble vatare privalege dat is left me a present! Poor Poopoo was as good as his word.. They contain the explanation of the curious fear felt by so many people of being buried alive, as well as the profoundest unconscious reason for the belief in a life after death which represents nothing but a projection into the future of this mysterious life before birth.. The man wrote, in a round flourish, Edward Eastman Ellsworth, wife, and son.. The first dream thoughts which are unravelled by analysis frequently strike one by their unusual wording.. He was still happy, but his laughter began to seem strange to him in the solitude.. From this court a stairway leads down into a shaft, the walls of which are softly upholstered something like a leather pocketbook...


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